FPV Drone


Dates: April 2020 to June 2020

This was a project I undertook during the summer of 2020. My brother and I wanted to get into FPV Drone Racing. My brother, who is in the Air Force, would be the pilot. I, as the roboticist, would be the engineer. I collected the parts, soldered up the wires, and configured BetaFlight software on the drone.

Future Projects

I want to try and implement my own autonomous flight controller on this drone, using a cascaded controller model:


Which would obey the following dynamics map:


The dynamics map above is based of of these equations of motion for the quadcopter:

\begin{bmatrix}     m {\bf 1}_3 & {\bf 0}_3 \\     {\bf 0}_3 & {\bf I}_3      \end{bmatrix}     \begin{bmatrix}     {\bf a} \\     \alpha     \end{bmatrix}      +      \begin{bmatrix}     {\omega  \times m {\bf v}} \\     \omega  \times {\bf I}_3\omega     \end{bmatrix}      =     \begin{bmatrix}     {\bf F}_e \\     \tau     \end{bmatrix}     =     \begin{bmatrix}     R_{eb}{\bf F}_b - m{\bf g}\\     [\tau_{\bf b_1}, \tau_{\bf b_2}, \tau_{\bf b_3}]^T     \end{bmatrix}